Monday, December 15, 2014

Main Journal Entry #004

    If Entry #003 had just the dash of playfulness that I wanted, then Entry #004 had it just a tad too much.  Of note here is my revisit to Where's The Fiddler (from Entry #002) to make amends for my unmanly behavior last time I was there.  Also, another SPACE2081 cache or two, so I will definitely have to make the next entry about them, because no one will know what the hell I am talking about unless you live nearby.

     It's killing me not being able to find even the work files for the video.  I hope I find them for the pictures.  I was mostly along the Delaware Canal, so it's not like I was missing out on too many new shots, and the video has long been finished and uploaded to YouTube.  Still...where the hell are those files?

     I started with Where's The Fiddler, which is one of those caches where you end up second guessing your interest in this hobby.  Assuming you watched the entry, you'll be happy to know someone posted a comment on the video identifying those little bastards in the sewer.
     Rhaphidophoridae, or cave crickets, are horrendous little shits with long legs that seek to jump in to your open and exposed mouth and skitter down your throat to lay eggs right above your stomach.  In case you couldn't tell from the video, I can't wait to come back here!

     After about 4 or 5 minutes of not actually seeing a cache, we reach SPACE2081 [3.5/5.0] GeoForce Be With You.  This one had a terrain rating of 5 stars (which is the maximum, as per the charts on the sidebar) and while I don't think it deserved it (stretching over water is maybe a 3.5 in my book) it certainly deserves the 30 favorite points it has.  I don't want to keep going off about this series of caches until the next entry, but these are something to look forward to.  I'm glad I found this one.

     I ditched my bike and started walking uphill to Vulture View, which did have a nice view for me, and all I can remember about the cache itself was that it had a blue serving dish shaped like a fish in it.  What the hell?  I went back on the ski lift side of the hill (they like to slap the term "mountain" around a lot up here) to get another Space cache called SPACE2081 [1.5/3.0] DeLorean Wheels.  Another clever one, and if I never find those missing files, I know I will get more photo opportunities, because I forgot to sign the log and grab the special code from this hide.

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